Ace Blackjack

Ace Blackjack
Ace Blackjack (1387)
Votes : 4
Note : 2/5
Joué : 5107

Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu ace blackjack, un des meilleurs jeux de blackjack !
Ce jeu a été un joué par 5107 autres joueurs et possède une note de 2 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu ace blackjack

  1. Invité

    The cards are in the air, and when they land on this fine felt table cover you know it is time to let them read em and weep. The felt is of substantial gweiht such that it will not easily move during play. It comes folded, but if you roll it up the creases will disappear and it will lay flat on the table. I play on my glass dining room table, and this stopped my buddies from constantly dropping their chips on the floor so they could look up at my hole cards. There is a nice thin line painted in a rectangle to mark the line of no return when betting or mucking your cards. Useful for preventing fist fights. The flip side has blackjack should you prefer games of chance.

  2. Invité

    It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of snuhisne.