Black Dragon Phase 1

Black Dragon Phase 1
Black Dragon Phase 1 (1101)
Votes : 26
Note : 3/5
Joué : 7179

Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu black dragon phase 1, un des meilleurs jeux de dragon !
Ce jeu a été un joué par 7179 autres joueurs et possède une note de 3 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu black dragon phase 1

  1. Invité


  2. Invité

    , Are you a girl? I said, Sure business. He yells back to his bterhor, SEE! I told you. It's a girl. I win! Lovely. His bterhor had made a 25a2 bet that I was a boy!Another time I was with my group and we were on the conservational. One of my guys had given his partner and me,each a cigar. Well he was having distress lining up his putt so he called in his partner. Still distress,so they called me in to take a look. There the three of us were. Me, down on my knee. One guy leaning over me and the last guy standing behind him, all with the cigars in our mouths. The fellow from the other twosome took a long look at us and exclaimed: Geez. You three look like the Marx Brothers!! Okay may I tell you ONE more tale?? MANY years ago, once a foursome reached a certain area on the course, they were allowed to take off their shirts. Well, we had reached the spot when i said, This is the place where we can take our shirts off, aptly? My rt bag (one of the men) said, This is the place where we can take off OUR shirts. I answered, Oh, come on, we all know each other and I don't really care. I took my shirt off only to reveal another shirt! He looked at me and said, Jesus,Sunshine. You frightened me to death!

  3. Invité

    , Are you a girl? I said, Sure business. He yells back to his bterhor, SEE! I told you. It's a girl. I win! Lovely. His bterhor had made a 25a2 bet that I was a boy!Another time I was with my group and we were on the conservational. One of my guys had given his partner and me,each a cigar. Well he was having distress lining up his putt so he called in his partner. Still distress,so they called me in to take a look. There the three of us were. Me, down on my knee. One guy leaning over me and the last guy standing behind him, all with the cigars in our mouths. The fellow from the other twosome took a long look at us and exclaimed: Geez. You three look like the Marx Brothers!! Okay may I tell you ONE more tale?? MANY years ago, once a foursome reached a certain area on the course, they were allowed to take off their shirts. Well, we had reached the spot when i said, This is the place where we can take our shirts off, aptly? My rt bag (one of the men) said, This is the place where we can take off OUR shirts. I answered, Oh, come on, we all know each other and I don't really care. I took my shirt off only to reveal another shirt! He looked at me and said, Jesus,Sunshine. You frightened me to death!

  4. Invité

    Mlys > Pas de sniclee entre nous, poulette, juste une parenthese, le temps de reprendre son souffle ;) Ardalia > C'est pas faux... C'est juste que je cherchais l'absurdite, et que - cool - elle etait pas bien loin...Lily Lune > ou ca, dis ?

  5. Invité


  6. Invité

    Imene Sghiri

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  10. Invité

    slt soudais tes la

  11. Invité

    pas vraiment super

  12. Invité

    vous etes babelibabely

  13. Invité
