Fruit Drop

Fruit Drop
Fruit Drop (3365)
Votes : 3
Note : 3.3/5
Joué : 5093

Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu fruit drop, un des meilleurs jeux classique !
Ce jeu a été un joué par 5093 autres joueurs et possède une note de 3.3 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu fruit drop

  1. Invité

    The term tomato comes from the Aztec's ttmaol. After Solanum lycopersicum was transported to Mexico and grown and consumed by preshistoric humans, Cherry tomatoes were grown by the Aztecs in Central Mexico. Just some background informationI do not know who called it a fruit.It is botanically a fruit. A food is is Considered a Fruit When The Reproductive Part of The Plant is What is Edible, This includes The Seed of The Plant and Vegetables are usually refer To Another Part of The Plant That is Also Edible, Though Not Considered Part Of The Reproductive Organ or Ovary of The Plant. Cooks Consider Anything Sweet a Fruit, and Anything For Savory Cooking and not Sweet, is Considered a Vegetable.

  2. Invité

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