Jeu de baseball facile

Jeu de baseball facile
Jeu de baseball facile (2651)
Votes : 3
Note : 3.7/5
Joué : 3872

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Ce jeu a été un joué par 3872 autres joueurs et possède une note de 3.7 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu jeu de baseball facile

  1. Invité

    There is no automatic enarcnte regarding stats. Meaning if you bat .350 for your career or have 500 home runs you will automatically get in. That is certainly taken into consideration and would help your chances, but it comes down to the individual baseball writer who is voting. There is also a character clause in the rules which allows voters to take into consideration the personal character of the candidate. So the controversy today is that if you are linked to PEDs, then you did not show hall of fame caliber character. Same with why Pete Rose isn't in it, because he bet on the game and that is a tarnish on his character. Was this answer helpful?