
Snowboard (2738)
Votes : 7
Note : 4.3/5
Joué : 6661

Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu snowboard, un des meilleurs jeux de snowboard !
Ce jeu a été un joué par 6661 autres joueurs et possède une note de 4.3 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu snowboard

  1. Invité

    le niveaux sa ve dir score

  2. Invité

    gg je gagne je sui deja niveaux 2

  3. Invité

    , I have a friend that has size 15 boots and rides a nmoarl board, but has binding risers to prevent toe drag. If your board isn't wide enough, you can buy risers at just about any snowboard shop, but if you get a wide board and don't need it, it can make it extremely difficult to get up on your edge. No, with your boot size, I would not buy a wide board, it would only hold you back. I would say your ideal waist width is about 250-252mm.

  4. Invité

    YMMD with that aswner! TX

  5. Invité

    dxlfkjhxdfngh,fng j jfejr fututututuututtuttut