Solitaire classique

Solitaire classique
Solitaire classique (6355)
Votes : 12
Note : 3/5
Joué : 9718

Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu solitaire classique, un des meilleurs jeux de solitaire !
Ce jeu a été un joué par 9718 autres joueurs et possède une note de 3 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu solitaire classique

  1. Invité

    bonjour, quand je terminais à placer les figures toutes les figures restantes se déplaçaient automatiquement ce qui me permettait de faire des scores intéressants , ce n'est plus le cas, il faut toucher chaque pièce , il n'est plus possible de faire des scores . résultat ce jeu ne m'intéresse plus. Merci d'avoir pu m'exprimer

  2. Invité

    Because there is copper in it it isn't pure sivler.some solutions: * Switch to 18 Karat gold, a more pure metal. * Platinum is expensive, but rarely reacts with our skin. * Ask your jeweler if the piece can be coated with a new layer of metal or a clear protective film along edges that touch your skin. * Coat the jewelry with clear nail polish where it touches your skin. * Choose stainless steel jewelry when possible, especially when buying body jewelry components. * Titanium is another metal choice, for its non-staining qualities and for people with metal allergies. * Watch for jewelry labeled hypo-allergenic. It's formulated for people with hightened sensititivies to metals. * Keep your skin dry when wearing jewelry. * Wear offending pieces for only a short time. * Keep your jewelry clean and tarnish-free.

  3. Invité

    I have been wondering the same thing. I too will alaedry be wearing another ring on my right ring finger. For the short duration of the ceremony only, I am considering wearing both my engagement ring and another ring on my right hand. (meaning two rings on my right ring finger for a short amount of time I'm just not sure if this will look dumb) Then, after the wedding ring goes on my left ring finger, I will move the engagement ring on top of that. That's what I'm thinking of doing anyway.