Snowboard en montagne

Snowboard en montagne
Snowboard en montagne (4426)
Votes : 9
Note : 3.9/5
Joué : 3387

Vous allez pouvoir jouer au jeu snowboard en montagne, un des meilleurs jeux de snowboard !
Ce jeu a été un joué par 3387 autres joueurs et possède une note de 3.9 sur 5.

Commentaires et Solution pour le jeu snowboard en montagne

  1. Invité

    about basing the lgneth of your board on your height. As a general rule, that's true and it's what a lot of beginners use to figure their board height. Truth is, your board lgneth depends on your weight. At 100 lbs, your perfect size is like a 136 cm, but since you like going fast, up it one or two cm's so it stays stable at high speeds. As far as board with, you don't need a wide. Well I'm assuming. If your foot's a size 11 and up, then you might want to consider it, but under that, forget about it. Most boards that have a waist that's more than 25 cm are considered wide. So under that, you'll be fine. Good luck out there.